With your free ArcSight L750MB Logger you can mass install ArcSight SmartConnectors with a silent properties configuration file. If you have to install, for example, 10 or more Syslog SmartConnectors, you will win time by reading this blog post.
First of all you need to create a properties configuration file template by installing a typical SmartConnector, with typical settings. Just start to install, for example, a Windows Syslog SmartConnector as described in my previous “Syslog SmartConnector and Snare installation“.
During the installation process, if you see the following screen just click on the “Cancel” button.
Open a command prompt and go to the SmartConnector installation directory (ex : C:\Program Files\ArcSightSmartConnectors) and execute the following command.
The “recorderui” start option will allow you to record the installation process in order to create a mass installation properties configuration file.
The installation wizard will propose you to select a “Silent Properties File Name” and a typical “Installation Target Folder“.
Create an “installer.properties” file on your desk and select it in the wizard. Also select a default installation folder, for example “D:\ArcSightSmartConnectors“. Now you can continue your typical SmartConnector configuration.
You can examine your “installer.properties” to adapt the properties with your needs.
For each SmartConnector you have to install you need to adapt into your “installer.properties” file :
– The SmartConnector name : AgentDetailsPanel.agentname
– The optional SmartConnector location : AgentDetailsPanel.agentlocation
– The optional device location : AgentDetailsPanel.devicelocation
– The optional comment : AgentDetailsPanel.comment
Now you can install all your SmartConnectors in silent mode. If a properties file named either “installer.properties” reside in the same directory as the installer, it will automatically be used, overriding all other command line options, unless the “-f” option is used to point to another valid properties file.
The “-f” option can be used by following command line.
How do you validate that the install is complete?
This is not workin in new Smartconnector version 6.0.7. Could you please help?