10 of 10 malwares detected by Mac Sophos Anti-Virus are false positives. Does yours?

On April 24, Sophos Naked Security blog had publish a post regarding malware infections on Mac OS X. Sophos has claim that 20% of Mac computers where carrying one or more instances of Windows malwares. All these malwares where detected though they’re free Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition.

Flashback malware was the big story of April for Mac consumers and all anti-virus company have jump on this opportunity to promote they’re products and to distill propaganda around Mac OS X security. I agree with them Mac OS X is a product like other product, and Mac OS X has also to be protected against threats, but the proposed solutions are worse than to do nothing.


During my tests of Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition 10 of 10 malwares detected by the anti-virus were false positives harassing me with constant alert pop-up during regular operations, Spotlight indexing, Time Machine backup. Here under a sample of 10 infections detected by Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac.


False positives due to binary format of the “affected” files.

/Users/xxxx/Library/Saved Application State/com.twitter.twitter-mac.savedState/window_1.data
/Users/xxxx/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/#s.ytimg.com/settings.sol


Sophos him self is a trojan, and some iTunes applications and Chrome are backdoored and nobody known about it.

/Users/xxxx/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/iSSH 5.3.1.ipa
/Users/xxxx/Library/Saved Application State/com.google.Chrome.savedState/windows.plist


iTunes is a very well-known backdoored software and one more time Sophos him self contain a trojan.



One more time Sophos is a trojan, and now my Spotlight indexed files are also containing backdoor.



VLC is containing an IRC bot, gotcha remote control of all VLC users.



One more time VLC how is containing a PHP trojan …



Everybody know that Sophos Anti-Virus products are developed in PHP.



Help my logs are containing trojans and Sophos one more time.



My Spotlight indexing has a dead malware…



Hu my screenshot of Metasploit are containing trojans (why not, lol) and Google drive is backdoored.

/Users/xxxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive/sync_config.db

In conclusion Sophos is more strong to do marketing and give fear to consumers than to create a good Mac anti-virus that really detect something.

1 thought on “10 of 10 malwares detected by Mac Sophos Anti-Virus are false positives. Does yours?

  1. Mal/PHPShell-A is real dude. It’s a back door trojan normally found on web server.

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