Tag Archives: Database

Metasploit MySQL Auxiliary Modules

Metasploit provide some MySQL database auxiliary modules who will permit you to scan the running version, do brute force login, execute sql queries and gather some useful informations.

You can find all these auxiliary modules through the Metasploit search command.

MySQL version scanner (mysql_version)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

Just provide the target address range to the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range (ex :, or or a file (file:/tmp/ip_addresses.txt). In order to parallelize version scans, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.

MySQL authentication brute force login (mysql_login)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempts to authenticate against a MySQL instance using username and password combinations indicated by the “USER_FILE“, “PASS_FILE“, and “USERPASS_FILE” options. Metasploit doesn’t provide default “USER_FILE“, default “PASS_FILE” and default “USERPASS_FILE“. You can use SkullSecurity password lists, or my own list how is updated regularly. In order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable. Provide the target address range to the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be a an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file.

Valid login attempts are displayed in green and non valid in red.

MySQL generic SQL query execution (mysql_sql)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module will allow you to execute a simple SQL query against  a MySQL instance. The default SQL query will check the running version of MySQL database. You will require valid login and password previously discovered with the “mysql_login” auxiliary module. Provide the target serveur to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address.

Some useful SQL MySQL queries for pen testing are available on pentestmonkey website.

MySQL password hashdump (mysql_hashdump)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

Provide the target address range to the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range (ex :, or or a file (file:/tmp/ip_addresses.txt). In order to parallelize scans, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable. You also need to have valid “USERNAME” and “PASSWORD“, maybe obtained through the “mysql_login” auxiliary module.

MySQL enumeration (mysql_enum)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This auxiliary module will allow you to gather useful informations from a MySQL server :

  • The MySQL version
  • The MySQL OS compilation target
  • The server architecture
  • The server hostname
  • The MySQL datas directory location
  • If logging of queries and logins is activated or not, and log files location
  • If the old password hashing algorithm support is activated or not
  • If local files loading (infile) is activated or not
  • If logins with old Pre-4.1 passwords is authorized or not
  • If the “–skip-grant-tables” option is activated or not
  • If symlinks are authorized to be used for database files
  • If table merges are allowed
  • If the “–safe-show-database” option is activated or not
  • If SSL connexions are enabled or not
  • All accounts with their password hashes
  • List of accounts that can log in with SSL if SSL is enabled
  • List of all accounts with “GRANT“, “CREATE USER”, RELOAD“, “SHUTDOWN“, “SUPER“, “FILE” and “PROCESS” privileges.
  • List of all accounts with “SELECT“, “INSERT“, “UPDATE“, “DELETE“, “CREATE” and “DROP” privileges.
  • List of all anonymous accounts.
  • List of all accounts without passwords
  • List of all accounts with host wildcard authorized access.
To use this auxiliary module you need to have a access to the database with a privileges user account, maybe gathered with the “mysql_login” auxiliary module. Provide the target serveur to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address.

Metasploit PostgreSQL Auxiliary Modules

Metasploit provide some PostgreSQL database auxiliary modules who will permit you to scan the running version, do brute force login, execute sql queries and read file on remote system through the database.

You can find all these auxiliary modules through the Metasploit search command.

PostgreSQL version scanner (postgres_version)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

Just provide the target address range to the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range (ex :, or or a file (file:/tmp/ip_addresses.txt). In order to parallelize version scans, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable. If you use a login and password the database to authenticate against will be by default “template1“.

If you don’t provide a valid username or password, you will get, for example, this output.

But if you provide a valid username and password, you will get, for example, this output.

You can see that there is a version difference between an non authenticated and authenticated version scan (8.3.8 against 8.3.1).

PostgreSQL authentication brute force login (postgres_login)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempts to authenticate against a PostgreSQL instance using username and password combinations indicated by the “USER_FILE“, “PASS_FILE“, and “USERPASS_FILE” options. The Metasploit default “USER_FILE” is located in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/postgres_default_user.txt“, the default “PASS_FILE” in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/postgres_default_pass.txt” and the default “USERPASS_FILE” in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/postgres_default_userpass.txt“. The default targeted database will be “template1“, a default PostgreSQL created database. In order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable. Provide the target address range to the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be a an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file.

Valid login attempts are displayed in green and non valid in red.

PostgreSQL generic SQL query execution (postgres_sql)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module will allow you to execute a simple SQL query against  a PostgreSQL instance. The default PostgreSQL instance is “template1” and the default SQL query will check the running version of PostgreSQL database. You will require valid login and password previously discovered with the “postgres_login” auxiliary module. Provide the target serveur to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address.

Some useful SQL PostgreSQL queries for pen testing are available on pentestmonkey website.

This module with the default SQL query will provide you the same output as with the “postgres_version“.

PostgreSQL READ FILE SQL query execution (postgres_readfile)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module will allow you to read a system file from the PostgreSQL server with the “COPY” statement. You will require valid login and password previously discovered with the “postgres_login” auxiliary module. But the user how is executing the query require “COPY” and “CREATE” privileges. By default the “/etc/password” file is configured in the “RFILE” variable. Provide the target serveur to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address. Also don’t forget that majority of PostgreSQL servers are running under dedicated system users, so you will not be able to gather file who are not accessible by this user, for example “/etc/shadow“.

SUC025 : ZmEu exploit scanner

  • Use Case Reference : SUC025
  • Use Case Title : ZmEu exploit scanner
  • Use Case Detection : IDS / HTTP logs
  • Attacker Class : Opportunists
  • Attack Sophistication : Unsophisticated
  • Identified tool(s) : ZmEu bot
  • Source IP(s) : Random
  • Source Countries : Random
  • Source Port(s) : Random
  • Destination Port(s) : 80/TCP, 443/TCP

Possible(s) correlation(s) :

  • phpMyAdmin scanner

Source(s) :

Emerging Threats SIG 2010715 triggers are :

  • The HTTP header should contain “Made by ZmEu” User-Agent string. Example : “User-Agent: Made by ZmEu @ WhiteHat Team – www.whitehat.ro
  • The source port could be any FROM EXTERNAL_NET in destination of an HOME_NET HTTP_PORTS.
SIG 2010715 1 Week events activity
SIG 2010715 1 Week events activity
SIG 2010715 1 month events activity
SIG 2010715 1 month events activity
1 Month TOP 10 source IPs for SIG 2010715
1 Month TOP 10 source IPs for SIG 2010715

SUC022 : Sqlmap SQL Injection Scan User-Agent Inbound

  • Use Case Reference : SUC022
  • Use Case Title : Sqlmap SQL Injection Scan User-Agent Inbound
  • Use Case Detection : IDS / HTTP / SQL logs
  • Attacker Class : Opportunists / Targeting Opportunists / Professional
  • Attack Sophistication : Unsophisticated / Low / Mid-High
  • Identified tool(s) : sqlmap automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
  • Source IP(s) : Random
  • Source Countries : Random
  • Source Port(s) : Random
  • Destination Port(s) : 80/TCP, 443/TCP

Possible(s) correlation(s) :

  • sqlmap automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.

Source(s) :

Emerging Threats SIG 2008538 triggers are :

  • The HTTP header should contain “sqlmap” User-Agent string. Example : “User-Agent: sqlmap/1.0-dev (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net)
  • The source port could be any FROM EXTERNAL_NET in destination of an HOME_NET HTTP_PORTS.
SIG 2008538 1 Week events activity
SIG 2008538 1 Week events activity
SIG 2008538 1 month events activity
SIG 2008538 1 month events activity
1 Month TOP 10 source IPs for SIG 2008538
1 Month TOP 10 source IPs for SIG 2008538